Travel Blogs

Smashing prose and gorgeous pictures. You can't help but love these travel blogs!

Visit our two travel blogs which were created during our two longest trips so far. A click on each picture leads you to the respective table of content of the travellerspoint blog website. The travel blogs are WRITTEN IN GERMAN though.

Let's do summer ... mate

Escaping the cold for 3 months

Margit and Christian, from January 01–March 31, 2014

No U-Turn ... when going round the world

A trip around the world for 9 months

Margit and Christian, from December 12, 2009–September 07, 2010

We are Margit and Christian. Our love for each other is unbowed. And so is our passion for traveling. This is a collection of different travels in different styles we did in the last decade – together or with friends or family! Documented in pictures, on film or in writing.

So ... FOLLOW US ... if you dare!