September 15–25, 2016

Wales, United Kingdom

 Carscht & Christian

For this trip we boarded a train from London to Holyhead on the beautiful Isle of Anglesey just off Wales' Northern coastline. The roundtrip is roughly 200 km long and basically stays close by the shoreline (and sometimes steep cliffs). So one will end up again where one started if one does it all! We managed to "close the circle" counterclockwise but did only 150 km in a week cutting some 50 km by using the island's excellent public bus service. For most parts we camped, also on wild remote spots but also appreciated the comforts of a cozy room in a nice pub for two nights. The whole time it only rained once for 4 hours and even that was at night!



We are Margit and Christian. Our love for each other is unbowed. And so is our passion for traveling. This is a collection of different travels in different styles we did in the last decade – together or with friends or family! Documented in pictures, on film or in writing.

So ... FOLLOW US ... if you dare!